Public Health Care in Crisis
Mass evictions at Manoir Louisiane
Landlord turns to harassment and service cuts to evict elderly tenants
Austerity back on track
Millions more for private consultants, this time at Santé-Québec
Big business and public health
McKinsey partner destroyed records to hide role in crisis
Abuse by the SAAQ
Letter – “Enough is enough, SAAQ, hear my cry”
Injustices at SAAQ
Letter: The promise to road accident victims has been betrayed
Lack of Transparency on Major Health Concern
Health Canada and Manufacturers Still Quiet on Heavy Metal Contamination in Tampons
“Without Workers, WRHA is Nothing”
Manitoba Health Care Workers Win New Collective Agreement
Austerity returns to Quebec
Legault claims health cuts won’t affect services
Interview with a Quebec health care worker
“We could have fought together for better,” says FIQ member
FIQ referendum
Quebec healthcare workers still without a contract
Indigenous Youth and Supporters March on Queen’s Park
Biggest Grassy Narrows River Run Brings Thousands to Toronto Streets
24/7 demonstration at the SAAQ
Road accident victims left to fend for themselves over the age of 67
Demonstration in Quebec City