Day of Mourning
Secret RCMP report
A wake-up call or a call for repression?
Budget cuts in Montreal public transport
Subcontractors rule at the expense of workers and riders
Voxpop on International Working Women’s Day
What did the demonstrators have to say on March 8?
“No Love for Uber/Lyft”
Delivery and “rideshare” drivers launch a fight against the “gig economy”
Zol’s perspective
International Working Women’s Day
Eviction Defence in Ontario
Neighbourhood Successfully Defends Single Mother Against Unjust Eviction
Adoption of Bill 31 in Quebec
Housing bill continues to be denounced by unions and housing groups
10 000 patients dropped by Health centre in the Sault
“Unfortunately, this is gonna get worse and worse”
Housing crisis in Québec
What effects will the adoption of Québec’s Bill 31 have?
Failing en masse, high retake fees
Have Canadian universities found a new way to empty international students’ pockets?
Nova Scotia upscale grocery store workers on strike
Pete’s Frootique workers fought and won against Sobey’s “insultingly low” offer
Human rights abuses by Canadian company in the D.R.C.
“It affects everything in the area”
Guelph’s Downtown Homeless Population
Broken Promises, Mass Evictions, and Left Out in the Cold
Strike in a Vancouver Airport Hotel