Amazon versus Unions
Coordinated bargaining
Major strike in Quebec to wake up hotel giants
Massive Profits, Stagnant Wages
Vancouver hotel workers don’t want to fall into “modern slavery”
Amazon union-busting
Victory for Amazon workers at Quebec’s labour tribunal
Coordinated bargaining
More and more Quebec hotels prepare to strike
Coordinated negotiations in the hotel industry
Strike votes to come in the Quebec hotel industry
Amazon versus unions
Amazon buys time at Quebec’s labour tribunal
Response to “The CSN hires a bum”
The more you screw with people, the more they’ll screw with you
Official tribunal decision
Amazon at war with the Labour Code following Quebec union certification
Coordinated Collective Bargaining
Quebec Hotel workers demand a 9% annual wage increase
A first in Canada
Amazon workers in Quebec ready to form historic union
Interview with Pierre Brassard
Construction reform in Québec for “friends of the party”
Decrease in Purchasing Power