24/7 demonstration at the SAAQ
School building maintenance cuts
The CAQ is letting schools and CEGEPs collapse
First Ever Strike at LCBO
As Ford Funnels State Funds to Corporations, Workers Want to Protect Their Job
Quebec Bill 51
Quebec passes controversial construction reform law
Emergency state in the Chemical Valley
A company poisoning a First Nations community tries to escape the fallout
Construction reform and housing crisis in Québec
A moratorium on luxury condos instead of Bill 51?
Nurses steadfast on pay and working conditions
Quebec unionized nurses reject “disrespectful” proposed deal
Secret RCMP report
A wake-up call or a call for repression?
Ottawa “failing” Indigenous communities
Canada’s Auditor General slams Feds’ failures on Indigenous housing
Interview with Lucas Gizard
SQDC undermines its mission with retaliatory closure of Saint-Hubert store
Interview with Natalie Stake-Doucet
“The conditions that we work in are the conditions that the patients are in”
“No Love for Uber/Lyft”
Delivery and “rideshare” drivers launch a fight against the “gig economy”
Interview with an FAE Teacher
“Nothing is improving for students”
Unions Defeat Ford
Ford Government’s Anti-Worker Bill Ruled Unconstitutional
Housing crisis in Québec