Presentation to the Council on Foreign Relations
National Day of Mourning
1000 Canadian Workers Die Every Year on the Job
International Workers’ Day
Celebration and Anger from Workers Across the Country
Zol’s Perspective
Public Service Negotiations
Salary Increase
Quebec MPs under fire
Zol’s perspective
Parking in Montreal
Parking in Montreal
Paid parking increases are punishing workers
Fraudulent immigration papers
700 Indian international students and workers face deportation
Pension reform in France
Angry Population Confronts Pressured Government
Unity growing in the Atikamekw nation
Indigenous blockade forces Quebec forestry company to back down
Healthcare neglect in Ontario
Patients suffer in silence
Transfer Agreement on Health Funding
Ottawa avoids responsibility, provinces sacrifice healthcare
Conflict of interest in the Quebec parliament
Quebec’s minister of economy out hunting with subsidized businessmen
Millions for a disastrous management of the pandemic and the economy
The government gives the reins of power to a private firm
Interview on organizing a local election debate