Demonstration in Quebec City
Quebec oligarchs at the wheel
Who are the (rich) bosses of Quebec’s new health agency?
Modern slavery of the TFW
Letter: “The solution is not to weaken the rights of temporary foreign workers”
Coordinated bargaining
More and more Quebec hotels prepare to strike
Interview with François Saillant
Build, but at what cost to tenants?
Interview with an Amazon worker
“You don’t even feel like a human being”
Zol’s perspective
Canadian workers in Jeff Bezos’ nightmares
Amazon versus unions
Amazon’s no-holds-barred legal assault on unions comes to Quebec
Quebec Bill 51
Quebec passes controversial construction reform law
Fight for unionization
Amazon pours millions into union-busting meetings
Coordinated Collective Bargaining
Quebec Hotel workers demand a 9% annual wage increase
“By-law for a Diverse Metropolis”
Developers paying pennies to bypass affordable housing requirements in Montréal
A first in Canada
Amazon workers in Quebec ready to form historic union
Nurses steadfast on pay and working conditions